Interior and exterior door maintenance

When periodic housekeeping and cleaning duties are performed, the doors are often overlooked. Whether they’re interior or exterior, they need to be maintained to prevent the accumulation of dirt and grime so you can enjoy them for many years to come. First of all, check all of the sealant joints once a year, including the ones around your front door and the ones around your garage door. If they’re worn, cracked or damaged, it’s important to take care of the problem right away to prevent water from leaking in.

Maintaining the hinges and hardware

  • If the knob is loose on one of your doors, it can easily be fixed by tightening the screws on each side.
  • As for the hinges, they can be lubricated with vegetable oil to prevent them from squeaking.
  • Once or twice a year, squeeze a little bit of dry lubricant (like Jig-A-Loo or Tufoil) into the locks to keep them working smoothly. Avoid the use of oil-based lubricants, as they can attract dust and dirt, which ends up gumming up the locking mechanism.
  • To maintain your patio doors, apply a silicone-based lubricant (like Jig-A-Loo) on the tracks one or twice a year.


Exterior door maintenance

Steel, aluminum and PVC exterior doors

Exterior doors that are made of steel, aluminum or PVC require very little maintenance. Just wipe them down with a dry cloth to remove the superficial dirt before cleaning them with a mild solution of warm water and dish soap. Rinse with water and then dry with a clean cloth to prevent water spots. Follow the same procedure to clean the frame. Avoid using harsh products like acetone, chlorine or bleach, which can dissolve the finish on your exterior doors.

Wood exterior doors

Exterior doors made of wood require more specific maintenance in order to remain in optimal condition as they age. You can clean them the same way you would a steel door, as long as you avoid using abrasive cloths or sponges. You should also regularly apply an appropriate protective treatment, which you can purchase from Portes et Fenêtres Verdun. These treatments will improve the door’s ability to withstand the elements. Contact one of our representatives for more details.

You can shine the metallic parts, like the doorknobs and locks, using metal polish. Just make sure you tape the area around the hardware to prevent the product from damaging the texture and finish of the doors.

Maintenance doors

Interior door maintenance

Painted interior doors

After dusting your painted interior doors with a cloth, prepare one of the homemade mixtures below. Soak a sponge in the mixture and then wring it out. Wipe down the door using small circular movements and use a minimal amount of mixture on the sponge to prevent it from running. Rinse with a clean sponge and then dry.

Homemade mixture #1

  • 4 liters hot water
  • ⅔ cup ammonia
  • ⅓ cup white vinegar
  • 1 cup washing soda

Homemade mixture #2

  • 1 cup ammonia
  • 1 tsp dish soap
  • 4 liters hot water

Wood interior doors

Interior doors made of wood should be cleaned using wood oil soap diluted in water, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Be very careful when cleaning these doors, as wood is a fine material that requires regular, gentle maintenance to prevent it from deteriorating prematurely.

Maintenance doors